I know a lot of folks are finding creative solutions to still play games with friends during this time of physical distancing because of COVID-19. There are ways to play online through various apps, or through board game apps on tablets.
We decided to try something else, though, using the games on our shelves. We packed up a care package for a good friend and left it on her doorstep (no contact!). The game pack included laminated Welcome To, That’s Pretty Clever, and Welcome to Dino World sheets, a dry erase pen, and a player set for Karuba.

Then, I started working on a setup on our game table. We took a webcam and mounted it to a tripod. It took a little work to figure out how to best set it up so I could get all of the Welcome To cards to show — the six that need to be visible for the flip-and-write part of the game, but also the three goal cards.
We started up a Zoom meeting with one “participant” being the webcam with the Welcome To cards, a second participant was the two of us in the camera of iPad, and third, of course, was our friend.

It ended up working really well. We played two games of Welcome To and two of Karuba. We’ll probably try again soon. Though, in the meantime, we’re looking for some iPad games we can play together, too.

This was a brilliant idea! Such fun. Brings some sense of normalcy to these trying times.