A new year and a new blog!

Me in a shark's mouth
Me in a shark's mouth
Just hanging out in a shark’s mouth in Dinosaur Land.

Hi! I’m Barb, and I’m a gaming addict.

I remember playing games my whole life, but in the past decade or so I’ve become a tabletop game geek. And the addiction seems to keep growing, thus this blog.

By day, I’m a science communicator – a PhD scientist who has decided to use my science knowledge for good instead of evil. I lead a team that creates educational products for informal educators and media products for traditional and social media outlets.

My latest gaming kick started in the early 2000s when my husband and I took a community education class on boardgames. I don’t remember all the games we played, but I do remember Ticket to Ride, Through the Desert, Carcassonne, and La Strada. Those are now all in my collection.

Our game collection has grown, first slowly, now be leaps and bounds. Right now, I’m into deck-builders, and am not a fan of bidding games. But, I’m willing to try most any game.

Let’s see how my gaming journey continues!

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